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What's New With Facebook Ads, and an Awesome Infographic!

Posted by Samara Parker
October 23rd, 2013

So much is happening.

Usually I try to stick to a theme, because storytelling is kind of a big deal in the blogging community. I have nightmares about the Blog Police hunting me down when I go off topic too many times, putting an end to my writing-career by encasing all of my digits in Chinese finger traps.

Oh well, bring it on guys. Too much is going on with Facebook and the interwebs right now for me to write another millennials-related Link Love! Besides, I watched that movie about Houdini —  I'll be fine!

The most important thing to share is Facebook's introduction of the option for apps to bid by cost per action (CPA). This will simplify the ad process by allowing developers the option to pay per-download instead of just per-click (CPC). This should make a lot of advertisers very happy, which is Facebook's top priority at the moment.

Facebook is also changing their ad formatting to allow users to watch a video ad / how-to (included with the ads) before they purchase an app. This gives app developers better marketing value and it gives users a better idea of what they are about to purchase. I'm sure somebody will still be grumpy about it though!

Speaking of complaining... Despite the general grumpiness expressed by Facebook users about the increase in the number of ads showing up in their news feeds, those users are clicking on those very same ads at a rate higher than ever before! Maybe it's just another one of those things we love to complain about, but secretly enjoy, like pumpkin spice lattes!

So, apparently this is just one of our usual Facebook-focused Link Loves... But for good reason! Facebook is updating its Custom Audiences feature.

This is the BEST news for recruiters!

The update to Facebook's Custom Audiences feature will allow employers to reach out to potential hires who have recently visited their company career site through their news feeds and encourage them to apply, or finish the application they've already started. Retargeting users is awesome for growing your talent pool and increasing application completion.

We can't explain it, but sometimes users visit your Career Page and end up leaving before, or even mid-way through, the application process. Maybe they got distracted by doughnuts? Anyway, the update to Facebook's Custom Audiences is pretty great!

Employers and recruiters will soon be able to direct ads specifically towards users that have already shown interest, both on desktop and mobile, thus making the likelihood of re-engagement super high.  Awesome.

I'll leave you with a link I know you'll love, especially the employers among you. It isn't about Facebook per se, but this amazing Infographic by IOR is a simple and effective hiring guide that is worth printing out and framing! Recruiters, you could do this as a gift to the companies you work for.

Happy Link Loving!

Have something cool to share? Let us know in the comments.