Awesome Content and the Tools I Used to Find it!
It’s that time again!
Time to scour the internet in search of wonderful articles, and blog posts to share with you, our lovely readers.
I’m actually lying a little bit… Just a touch of hyperbole really, it’s just that I no longer technically scour the internet when crafting these Link Love’s.
Nope, no more scouring because I now have a zillion incredible tools that help me find awesome content. In fact, it’s become exceedingly easy to find useful, interesting, and, when I’m feeling silly, silly blog posts and articles to share.
One of the newest tools I’m using is called Swayy. Swayy is a wonderful new content aggregation and sharing tool. It uses information gathered from your social networks to recommend content your community will enjoy most! It also allows users to share schedule and share posts, and track important metrics.
The folks at Swayy assured me you would like a post featuring them… I’m totally kidding, but they should probably start doing that!
Another article Swayy is sure you’ll love shares 9 unexpected hacks to improve your hiring. I’m pretty sure they’re right about this one, who doesn’t love a good hack after-all?
Everyone needs a proper RSS reader in their life. for this purpose I highly recommend Feedly. Feedly is probably the best reader app out there. I use it every single day to stay on top of new releases from influential HR bloggers, social media innovators, and even our competiors 😉
One of the coolest blogs I follow on Feedly is Blogging4Jobs. This morning I awoke to a fantastic post in my feed from Blogging4Jobs that I think you guys should definitely check out: The #1 Thing You Need to Know About Employer Branding!
With all these newer tools, it would be easy to forget old standbys, like Alltop, but we really shouldn’t. Alltop, as ugly as it is (sorry guys), is still one of the best places to find share worthy content.
Alltop is where I first found out about a lot of my favorite, most informative bloggers, such as Gautam Gosh.
Speaking of Gautam, his recent article, Social Media 101 for Professionals, is a must read!
Well, as Bugs so elegantly put it, that’s all folks. I hope you check out these tools and articles, I think they’ll really help you make the most out of your social media efforts.
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