Learning from Taylor Swift, Avoiding Useless Meetings, and Parties!
Jobcast Link Love!
Have you read this fantastic article from Sprout Social yet?

In it, Anna Washenko explains what your business can learn from Taylor Swift to make your live-streaming events a success…
Do you use live-streaming as a part of your recruitment process?
Let us know in the comments below!
On to the rest of our links:
HR and Recruiting
“30 percent of job seekers said they would rather go on a blind date than fill out an online job application!” – Click to Tweet
Lear more about how your application process could be costing you big time, over at recruiter.com!
Are you ready for the hiring surge? According to John Zappe, recruiting is about to get a whole lot more competitive.
Social Media
Cultural fit can be a decided factor in a hire’s success at your company. According to The Undercover Recruiter, Social Recruiting may be the answer to finding candidates that fit.
How to develop brand loyalty with social media.
Instead of fighting over time spent on social networks, why not engage employees in your social media strategy!
5 Strategies to prepare for a difficult conversation at work.
5 Ways to prevent “Useless Meeting Syndrome.”
“52% of us spend more than 30 hours a week with our family.”
“91% of us spend more than 30 hours a week with work colleagues.” – Click to Tweet
Which is why… We need more parties at work!
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Happy Link Loving!