Evergreen Jobs, Community Building, and FEEP
Hello and welcome to the first Link Love for July.
It is going to be hot hot hot…
Okay… Not really, but we do have some sizzling articles to share!
If this blog post was actually that hot, then it would be NSFW. If this blog was NSFW, then you would have to read it outside of office hours which would cut into your time in the sun.
Now that we’ve explained the lack of bikini clad HR pros and muscle bound recruiter dudes, it’s time for the links:
“To win in the marketplace…you must first learn what makes your employees want to be in your workplace.”
This quote is from a Switch and Shift article called The Employee Trinity: Engaged, Happy and Motivated, by Shauna Sexsmith. In the article she explains how to get the most from your employees by making a few small changes to the way you interact with them.
Next up: Is Your Recruiting Process FEEP.
You heard read me right. FEEP. Sounds like a noise made by an adorably fluffy Pixar character, but it is actually an acronym for fast, engaging, easy, personal invented by Raj Sheth.
Much less adorable is the stat Raj shares on candidate experience stating that: “46% of candidates rate their experience poor or very poor.” Raj’s solution, make your recruiting a little more FEEP (bet you didn’t see that one coming)!
Speaking of innovative recruitment ideas, have you heard of “evergreen jobs?” I certainly hadn’t, but it’s a very cool concept.
“Simply put, these (evergreen jobs) are the one or two most critical corporate jobs where you continuously search and hire every more-than-qualified applicant who fits the culture in order to ensure that you always have enough talent in these critical positions.”
This concept is promoted by Doctor John Sullivan, in his recent article for TLNT: The Evergreen Advantage: Why It’s Smart to Always Be Recruiting.
To always be recruiting sounds a touch exhausting no? But at least you have podcasts to help get you motivated! In fact, thanks to Nisha Raghavan, you have a pretty epic list in the DriveThruHR HITS Series for 2014 that you can turn to when you need a little human resources inspiration to get you going.
Listen to enough of these HR smarties on Nisha’s podcast and you may even decide you have some ideas worth sharing. If so, you’ll need an audience to share them with!
The Buffer Blog has your back with Alex Manthei’s: 5 Methods and 15 Tools To Find Your Audience And Build a Community.
As a “community manager,” I was especially pleased by Alex’s line: “the secret is, you grow with your community just as much as your community grows with you.”
It made me feel all warm and fuzzy.
In a completely safe for work kind of way!
Happy Link Loving, and don’t forget to have a summa 😀