Social Recruiting With Instagram, Video Recruitment With Your Smart Phone, and Sourcing With Twitter
Quality over quantity is the key to pretty much everything.
Happiness, healthy eating, and, of course, social recruiting!
You do not have to incorporate every social network or type of content into your social recruitment strategy in order to be successful.
You do have to use the tools that you select well.
This week’s top 5 HR and recruiting blog posts will help you do just that!

We’ve put together a selection of articles to help you create an excellent recruiting video, source with Twitter, get started on Instagram, and understand content curation.
LinkedIn’s Tips to Making a Great Recruitment Video – Casey Fleischmann
Adding recruiting videos to your social strategy has been shown to significantly boost application volume and engagement.
This short explainer from LinkedIn will solve your recruitment video woes for good.
You’ll learn how to use your smartphone effectively for shooting your video, what to do about sound and why it matters, what kind of content to focus on.
7 Steps to Getting Your Brand’s Instagram Channel off the Ground – Dorien Morin-Van Dam
Brands like Starbucks have shown that Instagram can be an extremely effective social recruiting tool.
The network is hugely popular and effective for attracting younger candidates.
But Instagram is not a good fit for every company.
If you are thinking of making Instagram a part of your social recruitment strategy, then I highly recommended reading Dorien’s detailed article.
Along with providing a guide to getting started with Instagram, the article will also give you a sense of the necessary requirements and work involved in using the social network effectively.
A Recruiter’s Guide to Sourcing Twitter – by @FindSouth (Chris South)
Chris South is a Twitter recruiting expert. Pay attention to lists of Twitter influencers and accounts worth following in the field of HR and recruitment and you will definitely see Chris’s name mentioned.
This article is full of smart and actionable tips that you can use to transform Twitter into a powerful sourcing tool!
The Types of Content that Get Shared The Most – Chelsea Hejny
Content is still king, but the type of content that rules is always shifting.
This article/infographic shows how popular different types of content were at different times throughout last year. It also explains a bit about each type of content.
The Difference Between Content Sharing and Content Creation – Kimberlee Morrison
Do you know the difference?
You probably do… But this infographic goes into detail about why both content sharing and content creating play an important role in your social media strategy.
Enjoy these links and stay social!