Holiday HR and Recruiting Links with a Side of Ugly Sweaters
All I want for Christmas is a group of unusually strong fairies to paint my new apartment for me, and then move all of my old junk into it.
How about you?
Perhaps speedy gnomes to sort through that pile of resumes on your desk, set aside the most promising, and then toss the rest?
Or, does your heart desire a magical app that will automate your social recruiting for you? Oh wait…
Totally exists!
The holiday season brings with it many wonderful things: Apple pie, pumpkin pie, lemon meringue pie, and of course, the always delicious holiday themed blog post.
It’s only the third of December and we’ve already read a slew of fun, funny, and helpful seasonal HR and recruitment articles.
Here are our top 7 so far:
Are You Suffering From PTDD? – Via Fistful of Talent
How Not to Get Fired After Any Holiday Party – Via Blogging4Jobs
Why Christmas Sucks For HR – Via Change Effect
There Is Little Recruiting Competition During December … So Be Bold and Seize a Great Opportunity – Via ERE.net
How Holidays Impact Engagement and Wellbeing – Via HR Magazine UK
Holiday Travel and Two Americas – Via Laurie Ruettimann’s Blog
Tell Me Your Office Holiday Parties – Via Evil HR Lady (The good stuff is in the comments section!)
Oh, and it’s not a blog post, but no holiday list would be complete without a link to a Pinterest board featuring ideas for an “Ugly Christmas Sweater” themed HR party!

Happy Link Lovin' :D