Have you created your Google+ business page yet?
Google+ for Business is here to stay, whether you are ready for it or not. I know that many of you are currently thinking "Oh great, yet another social media platform. Why do I need to create a Google+ business page in addition to Facebook, Twitter and YouTube pages?"
It does seem a bit redundant, however, there is an extremely large audience that uses Google+, so it would be a shame not to capture the attention of those users. Plus, do not forget the power that Google itself brings to the table as a search engine. It's a well known fact that social media actively relates to search marketing and given that Google is the premier search engine on the internet and they favour their own sites, a Google+ page will certainly effect your company's search rankings. Google officially announced that it will be giving greater authority to Google+ Pages in search results.
As soon as we heard about the announcement that Google+ Pages were available to the public, we created a page for Jobcast immediately.
It's another great avenue to connect with your company's employees, potential candidates, fans and followers. Set up your Google+ Business Page here. Don't forget that you will need a Google account to sign up. Don't worry, it's simple. Click here to create one.