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Awesome Perks, Telecommuting, and Why You May Want to Think Twice before Rewarding Employees With Free Beer

Posted by Samara Parker
October 16th, 2013

We’ve been all about millennials on the blog lately — what kind of employees they are, what they’re looking for from an employer, and how to recruit them.

One of the biggest takeaways from our research is that Gen Y is allll about lifestyle perks, flexibility, and challenging projects. If you want to attract and retain my peers, let them have flexible hours, the option to work from home, and/or put them in charge of something that piques their interest….

Like, for example, your social media strategy! Here are a whole bunch of fantastic resources about training employees for social media success. You could watch all of them yourself; or simply put a Gen Yer on it and let them attack social with all of their youthful exuberance!

Another great way to retain millennials is to get them a discount on burritos. I am only half-joking. Great perks are attractive to all generations of employees, as are burritos. AnyPerk is a super cool start-up that allows small businesses to group together, so that they have enough clout to offer the same kinds of perks that large businesses can afford.  You can keep your employees happy with cellphone discounts, cheap gym memberships, and deals on delicious Mexican food!

The ability to work from home is often considered to be a perk, although in all honesty, unlike most other millennials, I prefer the camaraderie that an office has to offer! Apparently close to 90% of companies are currently offering some sort of telecommuting option for employees, so the ability to work from home may no longer be considered an added bonus by candidates, but instead something they simply expect from all potential employers.

When it comes to retention, company culture plays a huge role.  I’m not talking about whether your culture is edgy, or old-school, or anything fancy like that. I’m talking about how welcoming you and your staff are to new employees. Having a welcoming and inclusive company culture is a great way to improve retention. Here are some great ways to foster an environment of respect and inclusion in your work place.

Well, that’s a whole lot of great ways to make your workplace more appealing to candidates, and keep those new hires happy. Perks are pretty great, but just a warning, you may want to think twice before you offer free beers as a workplace perk — even if it is craft brew!