#Recruit! A few quick tips on tweeting to hire
Make friends
Start by creating a presence. If a business tweets in the forest and they have no followers… then no, it does not make a sound. You’ll need to make connections for your tweets to be heard. The best way to increase your presence on Twitter is to follow other tweeters. Search twitter for other users within your field and search relevant hashtags to expand your twitter community. Follow associates and recruiters, your tweets can be requests for referrals as well as for applicants.
More on how to build your Twitter presence
Making connections and posting tweets go hand in hand. Post consistently about what your company has to offer. Tweet about the things that make your company great: innovations, new projects, opportunities for growth. This is also a great reason to have staff parties and events. I kid, but I’m also completely serious. Photos of employees having fun look awesome on Twitter (and Facebook, and your blog). You can also tweet amusing links or comments. You’ll likely want to keep them relevant to your field, but think outside the box to stay interesting. Wholefoods does a great job of this, tweeting links to cool sustainability projects and food blogs. Just please, please, please don’t tweet about the weather… unless you are the Weather Network.
More on how and what to tweet
This is a huge part of expanding your Twitter community. People love to be heard, and re-tweeting is an extension of this. If you are not incredibly witty, giving away a car or a celebrity, re-tweeting is your best bet to garner twitlove!
More on re-tweeting and tons of info about growing your Twitter account
Hashtags are how you become searchable on Twitter. Use them wisely! Some of the most searched, and therefore, most effective recruitment hashtags are: #job, #careers, #hiring. It’s also a good idea to add the type of position you are looking to fill, and also the city. For example, next time you tweet tweet (using our wicked Jobcast app, obviously) try something like: “Position available for passionate #souschef. Trendy #Paris restaurant #hiring”. My only caution is to not over-tag, 2-4 should do it.
More on hashtags, from a job seekers perspective
In keeping with the Twitter mentality, I’ll keep my conclusion brief. Here’s a few awesome Twitter accounts to follow (don’t be like me, I only follow stand-up comedians!)
Tweets we Love
And of course, if you want to make recruiting with Twitter (and Facebook, and LinkedIn) even easier you should really try using our Jobcast app… not that I’m biased or anything!