Facebook Rooms: Join The Social Recruiting Room & Links
This Week's Link Love is going to be a little different because Facebook recently released a new app; Facebook Rooms.
Not only is Facebook's latest app big news in the social media world... it’s also really, really fun.
I’ll admit, I’ve been a little annoyed with Facebook since the release and forced adoption of Messenger, but Rooms is awesome and definitely worth a download.
Its major strength is that, unlike Facebook, Rooms is an app for connecting with people based on interests alone.

If you're into photography the VSCO Room is awesome!
I don’t know about you, but as much as I love my friends, I don’t always love their hobbies. Your Facebook news feed is populated based on the content that your friends share. For me, that means a lot of fashion, tech gadgets, and emo looking musicians… No thank you!
I’m about as interested in these posts as my friends are in my posts about proper squat form, and who won last nights TUFF fight.
Facebook’s new app is a lovely alternative that allows you to create “Rooms” based upon common interests. These Rooms resemble a Facebook Timeline but instead of a random assortment of content, the entire feed focuses on one specific topic.
To join a room you need to use QR codes which you can get via invite or by searching #rooms on Instagram and Twitter.

We recently created a Room for Social Recruiting, which you can join by installing the app, then using the “invite” pictured above. If you're not reading this on your phone, email the image to yourself and save it to your phone's photo library so that the Rooms app can access it.

This room is dedicated to anything remotely related to social recruiting, so if you have blog posts, comments to share, or questions to ask, please join us.
Hope to see you there!
More on Facebook Rooms:
Straight From the Horses Mouth:
3 Reasons to Pay Attention to Facebook Rooms
The Future of Anonymity on the Internet is Facebook Rooms
Facebook Rooms is a fun little app, and we think it may even have recruiting potential, but more on that next week!
For now we want to know: Have you tried Facebook Rooms?
If so, what do you think?
Let us know in the comments. Or in the Social Recruiting Room!