Social Recruiting Roundup 2014!
The best thing about New Years' day? French toast.
The second best thing is pouring yourself a nice cup of coffee and reading through all the great prediction, best of, and yearly round-up articles that flood the blogosphere this time of year.
There are always amazing posts that you've somehow missed, cool social media hacks, and hilarious corporate branding blunders to be found. And, for some reason, it seems like a lot of bloggers are in top form when writing that last article of the year.
Today’s Link Love is a round-up of social media and recruiting-related blog posts looking back at 2013, and articles making predictions about HR, social, and branding for 2014.
Predictions, always entertaining, often risky, are my favorite kind of year-end content. In this piece for Social Media Examiner, Cindy King asks 12 social marketing pros to make predictions about what 2014 will bring to social media marketing.
Learning is fun. I think that will be my 2014 mantra. That and ‘suck it up buttercup’. Those two combined pretty much cover every situation that could possibly arise... right?! When it comes to social, the best way to learn is by example, which makes Jennifer Beese's post, "What Big Brands Taught us in 2013", a fantastic resource for anyone looking to improve their social media branding, marketing, and recruiting.
More predictions! This time we have an article that is more specific to employers and recruiters by Dave Zielinski. In his article, Dave proposes 5 trends in HR tech that you need to watch for in 2014.
Best Facebook Hacks of 2013. How could we not link to this post? It's definitely cheesy, but very fun to look back over all the cool features Facebook's hackathons have led to.
I'd like to end this Link Love with an article that really inspired me. In it, Rayanne Thorn writes about shifting the way she approached the New Year. She encourages us to forget about making resolutions, and instead focus on this moment as a time for renewal. Ray Anne says that she now views New Years "like everything has expired and I need to decide if I want to renew or not, kind of like a magazine subscription". It's a really wonderful article, check it out!
Have a very happy New Year, and Link Lovin'.