How to SMO (Social Media Optimize) Your Job Postings

In order to receive the highest amount of qualified candidates that apply to work for your company, it is important that your job listings rank high on major search engines such as Google. These simple SEO tips will ensure that your job listings come out on top.
Keywords are Key:
Use descriptive keywords rather than numbers when creating a title for your job postings. This will make it easier for the search engines to categorize results in your favor.
Make sure to use phrases that best describe what the advertised position entails. When deciding on keywords consider using these title options: job title, alternative job titles, industry terms that applicants would be familiar with & location of position.
Once you have selected a job post title, include relevant key words in the body of your text as well to further ensure website optimization.
Tools for Success:
evaluates the keywords you are using and determines the popularity of the keyword based on the number of searches per month. This helpful tool also provides other commonly searched terms to help you decide on the most effective keyword combinations.
Branding the Culture of your Company:
The culture of your company is important – so make it visible. Conveying your company’s branding strategy through your website will help applicants better understand what it would be like to work for your company. This will streamline the candidates and further sell the position.
Use Keywords in Your Company Description and/or Boilerplate:
Be sure to optimize the keywords used within the copy of your company's description/boilerplate. Try to use keyword phrases that explain your company's business, industry and describe your company culture.
Sharing through Social Media
One of the best ways to get people talking about your job postings is to make them shareable on social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn. Try using Jobcast to create job listings within Facebook that can then be easily emailed and shared within social networks.