Hero 6-reasons-video-rules-for-recruiting

6 Reasons Video Rules for Recruiting

Posted by Samara Parker
August 3rd, 2015

Every individual in marketing today recognizes the importance of video. They know that video is the most effective medium for selling a product via social media.

When it comes to marketing your jobs to top talent, video is just as effective.

Recruitment videos can increase applications by a third and they are 12 times more likely to be shared on social media than text only job posts.

But many companies are still ignoring this powerful hiring tool.

Use these six ideas to jumpstart your video recruitment.

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1. Highlight your employer brand.

Explain your company’s core values, give candidates a virtual tour of your facilities, and introduce job seekers to their potential coworkers.

Strong talent brand leads to 2.5x more applicants per job post. And millennials often employer brand as being a more important factor than salary when applying for a job.

Giving job seekers access to this information about your company in a video creates a level of trust and connection that you cannot achieve through other mediums.

2. Show off perks and benefits.

Video is the perfect way to show candidates all the bonuses of working at your company.

Film snippets of staff events or parties and all the everyday stuff that makes your employees love coming to work. Like staff lunches, after work drinks, or an attractive workspace.

Share interviews of employees where they talk about their favourite perks of working for your company. Or what benefits they enjoy.

Again, video is much more compelling than texts for this type of content because showing always carries greater weight than telling.

3. Explain your hiring process.

This is a win-win situation.

You’ll help job seekers understand how and why you hire so that they can make more informed decisions about which jobs to apply for and what to include on their resumes.

In turn, you’ll see a higher caliber of applications come across your desk… Or, more likely, your computer screen ;)

For content like this you can try using an animated video or a quick whiteboard explainer ideo. They’re relatively inexpensive and excellent for conveying a process or giving instruction.

4. Have employees give you a glowing review.

In the vein of employee referrals, this tactic is highly effective for encouraging job seekers to apply.

Reviews the most powerful piece of content for persuasion in social media marketing because people are 71% more likely to make a purchase if they read a recommendation via social.

Having an actual employee sing your company’s praises is recruiting gold!

These testimonials are even more meaningful when candidates can see and hear the employee delivering this message.

These are easy videos to make as all you need as a happy employee and a smartphone with a good camera.

5. Answer job seekers’ questions.

You probably get a lot of questions during the interview process.

Chances are the job seekers considering applying to your company have a lot of the same questions.

So why not answer them with a video?

Have your hiring team compile the questions that interviewees most frequently ask and then answer those questions in detail in a video.

6. Share your company’s biggest wins and coolest projects.

Potential for advancement, and job satisfaction are two major deciders for potential applicants.

Job seekers want to know that your company is growing because that means they’ll have an opportunity to grow with you. They also want to feel pride and fulfilment in their work which means the type of project that your company undertakes matters a great deal to them.

Using blog posts or Facebook posts to share updates like these  is very effective, but when you have something extra special to show, then a video is worth the time investment.

Don’t be intimidated by video recruiting, have fun with it. Even if your videos are shot simply with a smartphone, a little creativity and confidence are all you need to create and awesome video that will engage job seekers!