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5 Great Articles About How to Make Candidates Like You!

Posted by Samara Parker
April 30th, 2014

To attract top talent you have to show them that your company is a place they want to work.

You must express this in your job ads, as that's the first place job seekers get to know your organization.

Recruiting expert and Jobcast guest blogger Susan Wright-Boucher wrote about how to craft job posts that will make candidates want to work for your company in her recent article: Transform Your Job Ads from Ho-Hum to Aha!

But, as important as they are, it’s not just your job posts that sell candidates on applying for your open positions.

Your entire social media presence will influence how potential hires feel about your company and determine whether they click ‘Apply now’ or run for the hills.

Here are 5 great articles about how to make candidates like you! - Click to Tweet

Happy Link Loving and stay social!