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Awesome Apps, Why You Shouldn't Delete Negative Comments, and Collages!

Posted by Samara Parker
September 25th, 2013

It's that time again — time to share some of our favorite articles, videos, and apps with you, our beloved readers.

Keeping up with all the cool, techy, social stuff that comes out every millisecond is no easy feat. We try our best, but sadly we are only human, and not in any way bionic. 

Yet still we persevere in our quest to hunt down every morsel of cool recruiting, and social media related info that the interweb has to offer. Okay, so it's mostly just me. The rest of team Jobcast have their hands full with designing new features, growing our client’s employer brands, and problem-solving.

Finding links to love is my quest, and your happiness is my reward! Hopefully, this week's links will make you all super happy by helping you optimize your Facebook employer brand and recruiting. If not, then watch this hilarious video, so you'll at least get a good laugh!

Now on to the links:

Crowdbabble is an awesome analytics app that lets you track your Facebook stats in real-time. They present all of your data beautifully, with charts and infographics that are full of data, but laid out in a way that makes it all very easy to understand and apply. We all know that tracking your results is the only way to measure success and make informed strategic improvements. Crowdbabble is a great addition to Facebook Insights and Jobcast reports.

Another way to keep your Facebook employer branding top-notch is to be proactive about engagement. Sometimes that means dealing with less than kind comments on your Employer Page and, tempting as it may be to simply hide or delete them, this is definitely not the way to go!

Instead you should belittle the negative commenter and insult their mother.... Oh wait, that's also a terrible course of action. What you really ought to do is read this article by Franceen Shaughnessy, where she explains exactly how to handle negative comments on your Facebook Page.

Now that you know exactly how to deal with undesirable comments, let's look at a way to get more positive ones. Image-based content always get the most engagement from Facebook users, and you know what's even better than one great image? A collage of great images of course!

Pic Monkey is a really cool app that lets you compile images into super fancy collages, which you can share on your Facebook Page. It even lets you add bunting graphics, which will give you all the hipster cred you need to appeal to millennials like me!

Speaking of appealing to millenials, Facebook now allows users to target iOS IDs in custom audiences, so you can make sure all of those hip gen Yers with iOS7 see your lovely collage.

Last, but not least: the best way to improve your Facebook recruiting is by making sure your Career Page is optimized for mobile. You can bet that at least 1 in 6 (that's the most conservative stat. It's probably closer to 80%) of your potential hires are accessing Facebook from a mobile device. You simply can not afford to lose these candidates to friction caused by poor mobile experience. Here's how to create a Smart URL with Jobcast to make your Facebook recruiting mobile-friendly.

Enjoy these fantastic links. I'm off to find more of them to post on our Facebook Page, because I really need to start following my own advice!

If you have any cool posts, apps, or articles you'd like us to feature on the blog, let us know in the comments.